Signs Of Spring

After a long, cold Winter the wonderful signs of Spring are finally appearing here in the mountains of my home. Golden daffodils and dandelions are growing in the meadows and along the sides of the roads. In people’s yards red and yellow tulips, purple phlox and hyacinths are pushing their heads through the soil. The forests are turning a thousand shades of green. The dogwood, apple, and cherry trees are all in bloom, filling their branches with beautiful flowers and the air with their sweet smell. The green grass is growing again and rabbits and deer are sneaking into my backyard at dusk for an evening snack. Jacket mornings are giving way to short sleeve afternoons as the strengthening sun slowly warms the Earth. Blue jays and red cardinals are flying overhead. Robins are gathering twigs for their nests. In the trees a hundred birds are singing their love songs while a woodpecker drums along.
As I walked out of my house this morning too I saw another sign of Spring that brightened my soul and filled my heart with joy. A single, white butterfly floated by my face, circled my head, and flew off again. It reminded me again of my Mom watching over me from Heaven and my eyes moistened while warm sunshine kissed my cheek. I knew then that Spring was here to stay and I thanked God for a beautiful beginning to another day.
We all go through Winter times in our lives. We go through times of cold loneliness, bitter disappointment, and frigid despair. We go through times when we feel frozen to our very core. God’s love, however, is always there for us. Like the strengthening sun, God’s love is there to warm our hearts, thaw our spirits, and bring life back to our souls. Allow God to fill you with His love then. Allow Him to awaken the love within yourself so you can share it with the world. Then all of your days will be filled with light, laughter, joy, and Springtime.

By Joseph J. Mazzella • April 13, 2016  at

To Your Excellent Health!


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I have a passion for health and the prevention of disease.Even though my profession was in the health care field as a RN, my awareness of the role we can play in our own health began over 30 years ago when my husband became chronically ill. I started by checking out the foods we were eating. I learned that many foods contained unhealthy preservatives. Much to my kids objection, I limited the amount of sugar in the foods I bought. Over the years, my food purchases changed as more options were offered. Today we can actually purchase healthy foods that also taste good. About 9 years ago I became aware of the harmful and caustic chemicals in the personal care and home care products I was using. I thought the products on the grocery store shelves were safe to use. I learn how untrue that is and found an online wellness store to shop at. I now have peace of mind knowing that my personal care and household products are not putting me at risk for disease.