Pain-A-Trate... the SOLUTION for HEADACHES!

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, HEADACHES are the most common neurological ailment in the U.S.


If you, or anyone you know, suffer with headaches, Pain-A-Trate is the SOLUTION!
A little dab on your temples will help to sooth the headache. It's incredible!
And... not only for headaches... but when achy shoulders, overworked arms, and throbbing knees cry out for attention, the greasy, sticky grocery store ointments like original Bengay® and Icy Hot® just don’t cut it. Sure, they may have a couple  of pain relieving ingredients, but they don’t have the 4-in-1 formula of Pain-A-Trate. (See chart below.) 
Extra-Strength Pain-A-Trate, delivers maximum relief from minor muscle pain, stiffness, cramps, headaches and more. Plus, Pain-A-Trate includes a soothing touch of T36-C5® Melaleuca Oil.

Methyl Salicylate
Pain-A-Trate contains methyl salicylate. This active ingredient is a U.S. Pharmacopeia- approved pain reliever. Methyl salicylate helps increase blood circulation to muscles for a pleasant, deep-heating sensation.
Pain-A-Trate has menthol which causes a tingling, cooling sensation followed by soothing warmth. This topical analgesic comes from the leaves of the Mentha arvensis plant that yields the essential oil.
Pain-A-Trate has camphor, which numbs pain and increases circulation, so muscles heal more quickly. Camphor oil is regarded as a balancing oil—it can sedate nerves and uplift apathy. It helps with colds, inflammation, muscle pain, rheumatism, sprains, and arthritis.
T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil
Only Pain-A-Trate provides the distinctive soothing combination of natural T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil the pain-relieving powers of menthol, camphor, and methyl salicylate.
Pain-A-Trate Is So Versatile, It Helps Relieve:
backaches...headaches...arthritis pain...tendonitis...tense muscles...muscle strains and sprains...neck pain...shoulder pain...knee and leg pain...bruises
I rely on Pain-A-Trate!
If you are interested in learning more about how you can get this one-of-a-kind, patented product ...

I hope you found this helpful and if you have any questions, please contact me any time!
To Your Excellent Health!


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About Me
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I have a passion for health and the prevention of disease.Even though my profession was in the health care field as a RN, my awareness of the role we can play in our own health began over 30 years ago when my husband became chronically ill. I started by checking out the foods we were eating. I learned that many foods contained unhealthy preservatives. Much to my kids objection, I limited the amount of sugar in the foods I bought. Over the years, my food purchases changed as more options were offered. Today we can actually purchase healthy foods that also taste good. About 9 years ago I became aware of the harmful and caustic chemicals in the personal care and home care products I was using. I thought the products on the grocery store shelves were safe to use. I learn how untrue that is and found an online wellness store to shop at. I now have peace of mind knowing that my personal care and household products are not putting me at risk for disease.