Here I go...

This blog was set up 6 years ago...however... it has taken me awhile to slowly grow into the idea of sharing my thoughts and knowledge. I am all about health and wellness and subscribe to many websites that offer information daily on how to be healthier. In the last 6 months it has occurred to me that I need to share this information with anyone who would be interested. After all, life is about helping others. A friend suggested I do this thru my blog. I am...sharing my passion in the hopes it will help others

As I said, I am passionate about health and wellness and taking steps to make sure I stay healthy. To me, PREVENTION is the KEY! I am almost 65 years young and do not take any RX medications. I have seen what Rx drugs did to my mom and dad and aunt and uncle who I cared for. I would prefer to keep my body healthy so it can take care of itself. Don't get me wrong, I eat foods I know I shouldn't that taste so good, and I don't exercise enough, but at least I am trying. I do take supplements that gives my body the best chance of fighting off disease. There is a family history of heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer's... diseases I never what to deal with. So I take supplements to keep my blood vessels working properly. I also take supplements for a healthy digestion... if your digestive track is not healthy, you can't properly absorb the nutrients you consume.  Being overweight is a major contributor to diseases, so I watch what I least most of the time. I am learning the role free radicals play in diseases and take supplements to decrease the free radicals in my body.

I am learning the differences in "good" fats and "bad" fats and which oils are best to consume. What foods to eat and what to avoid. When and how to eat to keep your metabolism working efficiently.So much info to share.

Do you think the products on the store shelves are safe for you to use? I use to think so, but now know better. So I found an online wellness store to buy all my personal care, household, cosmetics and nutritional products. Now when I go to the grocery store, it is only for food and I can skip about 4 aisles.

I am excited about trying out this blog idea and seeing what happens. I want to make an impact on your life.  Comment and let me know if I make I helping? If you have questions, I will do my best at answering them.

To your excellent health!


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About Me
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I have a passion for health and the prevention of disease.Even though my profession was in the health care field as a RN, my awareness of the role we can play in our own health began over 30 years ago when my husband became chronically ill. I started by checking out the foods we were eating. I learned that many foods contained unhealthy preservatives. Much to my kids objection, I limited the amount of sugar in the foods I bought. Over the years, my food purchases changed as more options were offered. Today we can actually purchase healthy foods that also taste good. About 9 years ago I became aware of the harmful and caustic chemicals in the personal care and home care products I was using. I thought the products on the grocery store shelves were safe to use. I learn how untrue that is and found an online wellness store to shop at. I now have peace of mind knowing that my personal care and household products are not putting me at risk for disease.