Super Foods To Try: The Many Benefits of Blueberries
Any way you buy them - fresh, frozen or dried - blueberries are packed with nutritional power. If you need reasons beside taste to snack on blueberries, keep these nutrition facts in mind. Blueberries:  
  1. Provide antioxidants. Anthocyanins, the pigments that make blueberries blue, are potent antioxidants: A half-cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or broccoli.
  2. Are a healthy, low-glycemic-index carbohydrate, an especially good choice for those in need of better blood sugar control.
  3. Are a source of vitamin C, important for supporting your immune system.
  4. Help meet your daily fiber needs with two grams per half-cup serving of blueberries.
  5. Have shown promise in addressing the untoward effects of aging: animal studies associated with consuming blueberries have demonstrated improved motor skills and a reversal of age-related short-term memory loss.
  6. May offer various other health benefits ranging from preventing cancer and defending against urinary tract infections, to protecting the brain from stroke damage and reducing heart disease risks.
Look for organic blueberries, and toss some in a salad, eat as a snack or throw in a parfait with plain yogurt and walnuts. If fresh, organic blueberries are cost prohibitive, substitute with organic frozen or dried products - all three forms provide health-protective benefits. Keep in mind that dried blueberries are a concentrated source of sugar or may have added sweeteners, so enjoy them in moderation.

To Your Excellent Health!

The Essential Oils Industry - What you Need to know!

The essential oils segment can be a very challenging space for consumers to large part due to prevailing practices by the market leaders.

In addition, critics question the enormous premiums these companies charge for their oils, and consumers are left wondering how to make sense out of the differing oil quality standards claimed by these companies.

Our management team has been closely watching these trends and have chosen to bring superior quality essential oils to the market while offering a better value than all of the market leaders. We operate differently than our competitors and are motivated by different values.

This translates into each bottle being defined by complete purity, uncompromising quality and unmistakable aromatic excellence.

We use only 100 percent pure, natural, essential oils that are harvested and distilled following the highest quality standards in the industry. We strictly follow the essential oil specifications established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), an independent, non-government agency in Geneva, Switzerland created in 1947. 

We source essential oils in partnership with farmers around the world who have a reputation for ethical, sustainable growing practices. The essential oils are extracted directly from the botanical source and extensively tested using state-of-the-art technology to meet stringent quality specifications. 

The oils are evaluated for purity and contaminants like pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals. To do this, we use gas chromatography to evaluate all the separate constituents in the oil and measure their levels and purity. It also relies on mass spectometry, which provides a chemical fingerprint of the oil. Every oil has a specification that shows which components, and how much of each, is allowed. 

Additional tests are performed before the oils are certified to contain absolutely no impurities, synthetics or fillers.

To learn more about these essential oils,  CLICK HERE.

Contact me to find out how you can shop for these superior essential oils.

To Your Excellent Health!

Super Foods: Why Quinoa Should Be In Your Pantry

This tip is courtesy of Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging

If you've been hearing more about quinoa lately, it's not a surprise. Considered a "super food," quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is a relative of beets, spinach and Swiss chard, but its seeds resemble couscous and are prepared and eaten in much the same way. Available in light brown, red and even black varieties, quinoa is light yet filling and has a mellow flavor.

Quinoa is: 
  1. High in magnesium - magnesium helps relax blood vessels, which may result in fewer headaches for migraine sufferers and decreased risk of hypertension and stroke.
  2. A good source of manganese, iron, copper, phosphorous, vitamin B2 and other essential minerals.
  3. The richest source of protein of any grain. It is especially high in lysine, an amino acid that is typically low in other grains. Quinoa's protein is complete, containing all nine essential amino acids - a rarity in the plant kingdom.
  4. Gluten-free and easy to digest.
Once available only in natural foods stores, quinoa is becoming more mainstream by the day and is easily found in major grocery stores as well.

Read more about quinoa and other whole grains, and try these recipes:
I have been adding quinoa to my diet as much as possible. Super food=eat often. I like to mix it with brown rice and use in place of pasta when possible.

I haven't tried these recipes but they look inviting. I have never cooked a beet? Have you?
Looking forward to trying the apricots and red quinoa. YUM!

Let me know what you think of these recipes. 

To Your Excellent Health!
Tub&Tile Ecosense
For 30 years, Melaleuca has been the leader in cleaning products that are not only more effective than the grocery store brands, but also safer, healthier, and more natural. You won’t find chlorine bleach, ammonia, or other toxic chemicals in any of our EcoSense products.
Melaleuca’s innovative cleaning products use natural, biodegradable ingredients so they’re safer for your home, your family, and the environment. The concentrated formulas save plastic and offer you a better value. And now, we’re excited to announce all-new, improved formulas for three of our most popular EcoSense products.
Tub & Tile™ Bathroom Cleaner
Tub & Tile cleans tubs, showers, sinks, toilets, and other bathroom surfaces.* When you use Tub & Tile , you’re using the power of nature—not harsh chemicals—to safely melt away soap scum, limescale, and hard water stains. What’s new?
  • The natural cleaning power of citric acid (lemons) is better than ever! Making it easier than ever to fight hard water stains and bathroom grime. Derived from sugar cane, sugar beets, and pineapple, glycolic acid boosts Tub & Tile’s natural effectiveness, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner, fresher bathroom—without the worry of toxic chemicals and fumes.
  • The improved Tub & Tile formula also includes a new fragrance oils to deliver an updatedLemon and Tangerine scent that is sure to leave your bathroom smelling as fresh and clean as it looks.
Clear Power® Glass Cleaner
Clear Power cleans glass, stainless steel, and other shiny surfaces. It works best with ourMicrofiber Glass Cleaning Cloths. What’s new?
  • All-new Clear Power features dramatically improved cleaning power with naturally derived, ammonia-free cleaners. It delivers streak-free performance and gives you a cleaning value no grocery store alternative can beat.
  • Clear Power now comes in a fresh new fragrance—Crisp Orchard—that’s preferred 4-to-1 over the old scent.
No Work® Daily Shower Cleaner
Hate cleaning the shower? No Work does it for you—in just seconds. For a cleaner, fresher shower, just spray and walk away. What’s new?
  • Improved sheeting action speeds the removal of soap scum and hard water stains from shower surfaces, keeping your shower looking cleaner longer, with no scrubbing.
  • No Work’s new, improved Grapefruit and Yuzu fragrance keeps your shower smelling as clean as it looks.
*Do not use on natural marble, stone, colored grout, or antique, brass, or acrylic surfaces.
I have relied on these products for the past 10 years to clean my home. Can't wait to try the new formulas and fragrances!
To Your Excellent Health!

How Are Calories Similar to Money?

Just a quick thought to share with you today!

Are you like me and think about something totally different than what you are doing?

I think I was washing dishes when the thought "Calories are similar to money" bounced in my head.

What I mean...if you are trying to control your weight and be healthy, you have a limited number of calories you can consume in a day's time. Consume more than your body needs and you won't like the outcome.

Therefore, you need to plan the calories you consume...don't waste the calories on food that is not nutritious for your body. Feed your body calories throughout the day to keep your metabolism working efficiently.  This means eating on purpose and not on a whim..

When you go shopping you have X amount of dollars you are willing to spend on that shopping trip. If you spend overextend your budget. So you think about your purchases, buying items you need the most and looking for good deals. This means shopping on purpose and not on a whim.

What do you think?

To Your Excellent Health!

Hope is NOT a Strategy!

Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Sadly, many people “hope” for things to happen without taking action to make things happen. So many are stuck in a rut and just continue down the same path of frustration and pain “hoping” things will change.
People who are genuinely happy and successful, always have hope, but in addition to that they are always “DOING”.
  • They acknowledge their current condition. How and why they got there.
  • They are not afraid to confront the brutal facts.
  • They analyze results. What is working? What isn’t? Why?
  • They are champions of change.
  • They never settle for mediocre.
  • They create action plans and do the hard work necessary.

Use “HOPE” as a whisper to try again or try something new.
Action is what’s needed to create the life you want and deserve!

To Your Excellent Health!

Herbal Supplements Flunk the Test; Don't Contain Herbs

Last year I blogged about the importance of being aware of the effectiveness of supplements that are offered in the local stores. I had learned that many are not absorbable and therefore useless and possibly harmful to you. 

After reading the articles in the following links, I learn that  in many cases, the herbs were not even FOUND in the supplement.

2/2015 New York Attorney General-targets-supplements

NY Daily News-Sept 2015

Testing of herbal supplements sold by major retailers including Target and Walmart revealed that 79 percent have no trace of the herbs on the products' labels, according to an investigation by the New York State Attorney General.

The testing led Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman to send letters to GNC, Target, Walmart and Walgreens to halt the sale of their store brand herbal supplements including Echinacea, Ginseng, and St. John's Wort. Walmart's products fared worst in the testing, with only 4 percent containing DNA of the herbs on the product labels.

Not only are consumers being duped, but it is also dangerous to use supplements when they contain ingredients that aren't on the label.

Awareness is so important to making better choices.

If you are concerned about the supplements you take and interested in learning about nutritional products manufactured by an honest company who puts their customers first, CLICK HERE . 

Your health is too important to leave to companies who are more interested in making a profit than the health of their customers.

To Your Excellent Health!

Change Your Life by Writing About It

Did you know that writing unlocks right-brained capabilities, making way for unexpected solutions.

The practice of journaling dates back to at least 10th century Japan. While daily journaling provides an interesting history for your family or even the world—like Anne Frank’s and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s journals—private writings that no one else ever sees can also provide you with some surprising benefits.

Daily Journaling:

• Reduces stress—People who journal every day cope much better with stress. While they don’t experience less stress, they are better suited to handle it when it occurs.

• Restores feelings of control—Journaling bridges internal thoughts with external events and allows you to see patterns in life and results of action.

• Aids problem solving—We generally solve problems from a left-brained, analytical perspective. But sometimes the answer can only be found by engaging right-brained creativity and intuition. Writing unlocks right-brained capabilities, making way for unexpected solutions.

• Increases memory—The daily act of remembering and writing about events leads to a stronger memory and sharper cognitive skills.

• Improves health—University of Texas psychologist and researcher James Pennebaker asserts that regular journaling strengthens immune cells for better overall health. Other research indicates that journaling decreases the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

• Helps with weight loss—A study published in the journal Psychological Science showed that women who wrote about their values in a journal every night lost an average of 3.4 pounds in four months while women who didn’t journal gained weight. Writing about values appears to give women a sense of self-integrity so they are less likely to eat to feel better. This focus on values and self-worth is believed to help with many obstacles in life—not just weight loss.

So what are you waiting for?
Grab a pen and paper—or a laptop—and pour out your soul.

You’ll be a better, healthier, happier person for it.

To Your Excellent Health!

Our Children Matter!

All of our children matter. Our environment matters. Our health matters. 

We have a choice with what companies we support and what products we buy.

It has been an eye opener for me to learn about toxins and chemicals and how they are affecting us all in so many negative ways.

To learn about the ONLY manufacturing company that I've found that truly cares about it's customers, our health and our environment, just CLICK HERE.

We hope you join us in our mission.Together, we can make a difference!

To Your Excellent Health!

Have you heard of ACV?

Apple Cider Vinegar, otherwise known as  ACVis a great medicinal food, capable of cleansing the body and also revitalizing it thanks to its abundant nutritional values. It contains vitamins A and B, essential fatty acids, enzymes, and multiple minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron, and silicon, as well as many others.

The Most Important Properties

Helps you eliminate toxins thanks to its sulphur content and also acts directly on your liver, helping you metabolize fats better.
Prevents urinary infections and takes care of your kidneys because it helps you keep your urinary tracts clean and your urine acidic.
Boosts your metabolism and eliminates excess fat from your body, which will help you lose weight.
It is a great diuretic, which allows you to eliminate excess fluids from your body.
Prevents eye dryness thanks to its vitamin A content.
Improves digestive processes because it is rich in enzymes. It is very useful in cases of flatulence, acidity, bloating, etc.
Fights constipation, which improves the state of your intestinal flora.
Reduces gum inflammation. We recommend swishing a little bit in your mouth before swallowing it in this case.
Eliminates mucus in cases of colds and sinusitis.
Reduces levels of cholesterols, triglycerides, and uric acid.
Relieves coughing and throat pain.
Prevents muscle cramps thanks to its mineral content.
Improves the state of your skin and hair thanks to its vitamin and mineral content.
Reduces the risk of suffering from any kind of stones, whether they are gallbladder, liver, or kidney.
Fights gastric hyper acidity and relieves it immediately. It also treats and prevents gastric ulcers, which are produced when there is too much acid.
Prevents kidney stones from uric acid.
Soothes urinary infections.
Improves dental health and prevents problems like cavities, gingivitis, or plaque.  []

How to Get the Most Out of the ACV and Baking Soda Remedy...Make sure the ACV you buy at the store is organic and non-pasteurized, non-fermented making sure that it has not been processed and heated while still containing the nutrients, minerals and enzymes. The clear ACV, which you see at the supermarket and is cheaper than the organic-raw type, has been heated and distilled removing many of the health benefits. The raw type contains what we call “mother of vinegar”, which is a strand-like structure of living bacteria that is found in ACV.

Why Combine Vinegar and Baking Soda?

Vinegar and baking soda have opposite pH, in other words, acidic and alkaline respectively, which allows you to be able to drink this without harming yourself. As a result, you will get all of the properties of the remedy without acidifying your body.

On the other hand, although many people consume baking soda to fight gastric acid, this is not good in the long term either, because it can alter the natural pH of the stomach acid. You need the chloric acid in the stomach to be balanced in order to digest food well.

There are lots of different ways people drink ACV/baking soda... the recipe I like:

1/2 tsp honey in small amount of hot water      (this is to dissolve the honey easier. For optimum health benefits use local raw honey)
2 tbsp ACV ( Braggs brand is most readily available)
1/2 tsp baking soda (this will cause a lot of fizzing)
8-12 oz cold filtered water

I like to drink this about 1 hr prior to evening meal. You need to take on a empty stomach and this time of day helps decrease my appetite. Play around with different times to see what is best for you. I take it 1X/day but others take it up to 3X/day. 

Let me know how you take ACV, I am always open to other recipes. Feel free to contact me with questions. 

To Your Excellent Health!


Who Else Wants More Energy and a Healthy Weight?

When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, GC Control™ can help promote a healthy weight and body composition.

Inside GC Control™ is a scientifically formulated blend of natural ingredients, combined with patented Oligo® technology.

Each GC Control™ shake provides your body with an ideal low-glycemic nutrient balance that’s high in protein and fiber, with limited net carbohydrates.

It’s even Gluten FREE!

To Your Excellent Health!
About Me
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I have a passion for health and the prevention of disease.Even though my profession was in the health care field as a RN, my awareness of the role we can play in our own health began over 30 years ago when my husband became chronically ill. I started by checking out the foods we were eating. I learned that many foods contained unhealthy preservatives. Much to my kids objection, I limited the amount of sugar in the foods I bought. Over the years, my food purchases changed as more options were offered. Today we can actually purchase healthy foods that also taste good. About 9 years ago I became aware of the harmful and caustic chemicals in the personal care and home care products I was using. I thought the products on the grocery store shelves were safe to use. I learn how untrue that is and found an online wellness store to shop at. I now have peace of mind knowing that my personal care and household products are not putting me at risk for disease.